Dr. U. K. Mittal
MD Acupuncture
Dr. Umesh Kumar Mittal is a well renowned acupressure doctor in south Delhi. He has served the central government of India for more than 21 years. In year 1995 he learned the science of acupressure. Using his precious skill and knowledge from his experience, He has expertise in treating, all type of body pain, incurable disease and non - diagnosable ailments. With his clinical practice, he has devoted his 20 years for the benefit of mankind through acupressure reflexology. He started clinical practice at south Delhi in the year 1995 having garnered knowledge from every source available in acupressure therapy, Dr. Mittal set out to make sure his contribution to the development of science. It is "Dr. Mittals Acupressure reflexology Association", Founded by d Dr. U.K. Mittal, and other interested people that provide various courses in he field of acupressure therapy and dispel the mystery of this ancient science and art, explaining in clear and easy term of its origin, theory and practice